Shoot the Purty Butterfly
Created | Updated May 4, 2003
So welcome to the Rebjello Memorial Shooting Range. This here range is for thuh Salonista Posse so if'n yur not one o' them we'd be mighty grateful if yurd git yerself gone.
If yew really want to find yur precius Lil then yew must furst pass yur western markmanship test here.
The Jello markmanship test is based on the sharp shooting of that tough hombre Rebjello, at the raid on the Atelier (posting 463). That bad boy of ours put a single shot in a series of [] cards without breaking sweat or wind. All yew have to do is do the same.
Instructions For Use
Yew'll find Reb's revolver on a table infront of you - just pick it up - wun at a time of course. Get used to the weight then just try squeezing a few practice shots off ... don't hold it too tight and just relax. When yur gud 'n ready fire at the purty .
A dubble left click dead centre will do the trick but yur gonner have to be real gud to hit the dang thang I can tell yew. If'n by chance yur as gud as Reb is then yew'll find yourself at the start of anuther exciting trail.
If'n yew get desperate jurst post a message here to get the cheat.
The dang thang is driving me plumb crazy so just give me the cheat OK !!!Fire Away