The Eurasian Lynx

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The Eurasian lynx is the biggest wild cat in Europe, but few people have seen one. Its behaviour is very discreet and mostly nocturnal and its fur also provides a perfect camouflage.

Latin name: Lynx lynx family Felidae
Length: appr. 1 metre

Height: 60-75 cm

Weight: female 16-20 kg, male 20-25 kg

The lynx looks similar to ordinary domestic cats, only bigger and of sturdier build. It has a short tail, only 2 dm long, and long tufts of hair on the points of its ears. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, making the animal looking as if it's leaning slightly forwards. The summer coat is a light shade of yellow, red and brown with darker spots, and the winter coat is lighter and more grey, especially in northern Scandinavia. The tip of the tail is black.

Habitat: the Nordic and Baltic countries, parts of central Europe and and eastwards through the Russian taiga forest belt all the way to eastern Sibiria.


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