The Hypocrisy of Housing Benefit Reform

1 Conversation

One story has gripped me this week, and it is the story of housing benefit reform. Not a problem you might say, as it needs a shake up. Until you think about MPs expenses, and the simularity between what they claimed and housing benefit.

The only difference I see, is the ammount MPs earn (at least triple the average wage in the UK, and their "expenses" which were Million pound mortgages). I also seem to remember a story where the current prime minister David Cameron MP, claimed for a mortgage that did not exist. Due to the tory supporting press this was never brought up during the election.

Are expenses a re-labelled housing benefit. As hard as I try, I cannot see much of a difference.

In benefit law it is illegal to flip your home, but it was not for the Members of her majestys parliament. Claiming Expenses that do not exist, anywhere but in the house of commons is fraud. Yet only a few MPs who did this are facing charges, and all from Labour (There are countless Tories getting away scot free).

Its about time the government stopped picking on the poor, and started looking closer to home. Maybe then we will have a fairer society.

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