Are We Forgetting Uganda

1 Conversation

There has been very little media coverage of the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill in recent months, and I am wondering if they media have forgotten about the situation (a few exceptions include CNN and LGBT newspaper The Advocate).

This bill was made by Ugandan member of parliament David Bahati, and it affects everyone due to political asylum laws.

The inspiration for this bill was a conference, where many religious right evangelical ministries spread their views on the danger of homosexuality.

Currently a few media outlets in Uganda are naming and shaming gay citizens, and some have gone into hiding including lesbian Stosh Mugisha. Miss Mugisha had a crowd gather at her house, the gathering started chanting "homosexual" and throwing stones. She and her girlfriend have fled their home and are now in hiding.

Something needs to be done for Uganda to get the message about the wrongs of this bill, perhaps sanctions and certainly threats of removal of aid if this bill is passed. Uganda you have to wake up and listen to the rest of the world, you have been a pawn for the evangelical religious right.

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