Is Trinidad going the same way as Uganda

1 Conversation

According to a news story from the Trinidad Telegraph, Evangelical Christians and Catholics came together in a conference regarding homosexuality. The Emmanuel Community, Lawyers for Jesus (Why Jesus needs a lawyer I do not know as he is deceased) and the Hospital Christian Fellowship invited a Ex-Gay American Pastor to give talks on gay issues. Rev. Philip Lee claims to of been gay 17 years (between 18 and 35), after which he became heterosexual. Pastor Lee claimed that no one is born gay, and that it is an aquired behaviour.

Pastor Lee, Executive Director of His Way Out Ministries in Bakersfield, California has also preached in Georgetown, Guyana (Trinidad is off the coast of Guyana), regarding this topic. The August 2010 tour, (where he met with Operation Restoration, a sister organisation from Guyana) he outlined his Ex Gay cause.

If you remember the East African country of Uganda, they invited many Evagelists to Uganda (after the talks the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was drawn up). This could clearly be a danger in Trinidad and Tobago, as like most the Caribbean it is religiously driven.

Uganda set a dangerous president, do we need another Uganda on our hands. Pastor Lee please learn from the mistakes of Uganda when spreading your bile.

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