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there seems to be a lot of people now playing poker.there are a few versions of poker,straight draw,stud,hold em,are 3 of the most popular games being played at home games.the most skillfull of these games is straight draw followed by stud then hold em..there is a great deal of luck required in hold em.this is not to say a good player can't make it pay because he can.when playing hold em seat position,player style,size of bet in relation to stack,all have as much bearing on the game as the cards you hold.
the most popular game being played in casinos is hold em..if you decide to try your luck in a live game you are advised to get as much practice as you can before risking your hard earned cash.

the begin all players are dealt two cards each (hole cards) then the top card is placed face down on a discard pile then 3 cards are turned face up in the centre of table (flop)then top card to discard pile (burnt)next card face up next to flop(turn) then card to discard pile then card face up next to turn this is the final card known as the river.the object of the game is to make the best possible 5 card hand from the seven available to you ..your 2 hole cards and the 5 community cards which are now face up in centre of table.

the next thing you need to know is the hand values...

No one....high card ace high and count down top 5 cards
No pair aces are highest then count down.
------ (so a pair of aces with K-6-3 beats a pair of aces
with Q-10-9)
No three..two pairs highest pair wins i.e.10s and 4s ....beat 8s and7s
-------- and in the event of two players holding the same two pairs
the highest fifth card decides
No four...three of a kind aces high...three cards of the same
------- denomination..if two players hold the same three
then the next two highest cards win
No five...a straight..five consecutive cards ace high or low
------ I.E. A-2-3-4-5 and 10-J-Q-K-A
No six....a flush five cards all the same suit highest
------ card wins in the event that two players
hold a flush
No seven...a full house which is three of a kind with a pair
--------- if two players hold the same three of a kind
then the higher pair the unlikely event
that two players hold the same full house then
they share the pot
No eight..four of a kind..all 4 cards of the same
------- denomination
No nine...straight flush five consecutive cards of same
------- suit and of course the highest possible
straight flush is the royal flush

NB...with 5 community cards it is possible for two players to hold the same three of a kind and the same full house.

betting explained in the next instalment

Having now read a bit about this place it would appear that this subject has been covered up to a point.
So i will upon my return post some tips on the tactics of the game.
If you wonder what credentials i have to do this ;I don't
but i do have experience and play regularley in live games at
various casinos..back soon busy on my space at present

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