Kolkata, India

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Kolkata, the Cultural capital of India -- the city of birth for greats like Rabindranath Tagore, Satyajit Ray, Swami Vivekananda, Sourav Ganguly -- the city where football is a passion, the city of dance and music -- once the capital of British India -- the seat of freedom movement in the 1900s, the city from where Indian Renaissance sprouted.


Places of Interest

Rabindra Setu: Named after the Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, it is also known as the 1st Howrah Bridge. Built on the River Hoogly, connecting Kolkata and Howrah, it is one of the finest Cantiliver bridges in the world.
Vidyasagar Setu: Named after the great social reformer Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, it is more commonly known as the 2nd Howrah Bridge as it too connects the city with Howrah. It is a cable-stayed bridge.
The Victoria Memorial: It is a memorial building dedicated to is a memorial building dedicated to Queen Victoria, the then monarch of the United Kingdoms, designed by Sir William Emerson using Indo-Saracenic style, incorporating Mughal elements in the structure. The monument was intended to serve as a tribute to the success of the British Empire in India.

The Birla Planetarium
The Science City
The Birla Industrial and Technical Museum
The Indian Museum

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