Ordering Concrete

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When ordering concrete from any company make sure to order it a half inch stiffer slump than what you need. (Slump is a measure of how thick the concrete slurry is. It is measured by using a metal cone which is filled with a sample from the truck and when the cone is removed it slumps down. The measurement is taken from the top of the test cone and is measured in Inches.) If you require a 4 inch slump(This is the normal slump for almost any job) order it at 3.5 inch slump. Because in most cases the concrete will be wetter than what you ordered. If by some miracle they should deliver it the way you ordered, it is far easier to add water to the mix than to take it out. Also, when waiting for the concrete to arrive it does little to no good to call to ask " Where is the truck? " because dispatch will always tell you one of two things: " He'll be there any minute. " Or " He should be rounding the corner any second now ". These responses bear no relation to when the truck will arrive. As the driver will always be late even to jobsites he has been to many times before.
Anyone in the position of ordering concrete should know how to form for it. If not call a concrete professional. But should you be one of those " Do it yourself" kind of persons a few things to keep in mind: From the time it leaves the Concrete batch plant you only have 90 minutes to unload it (so pick a batch plant that is close), No matter how cheap it is, try never to use less than 4000 PSI Concrete and if you need 4000 PSI order 4500 PSI as the price difference is hardly worth mentioning.(PSI or Pounds per Square Inch is a measure of the load bearing capacity of the concrete), In addition if you are doing a sidewalk or patio for your house (the main reason homeowners do their own concrete) dig the area out 6 inches deep and pack down the virgin dirt with a vibrosled compactor (some areas call it a plate compactor) rentable most rent a stores. Then place 2 inches #53 stone (or #8 stone) pack it down with afore mentioned compaction device. Advanced People should now put down 10 mil plastic and Wire mesh(which should be lifted((by a hooked rod with a T-handle)) while pouring the concrete to about the mid-level). Now you are ready for the concrete. The amount you will need is a function of the (all measured in feet) Length X Width X Depth (aprox. 4 inches Or .333 feet) divided by 27. This is how many yards of concrete you will need.
Your average concrete truck can only haul 9 yards of concrete, thus the saying "the whole 9 yards" from the days when dispatch only wanted to send out full trucks.

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