gentlemen, sorry about the humongous delay

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"Yippy-a-yee-ha-hee", she exclaimed out of sheer delight over being back. Which, even without having a toiletrug tied around her legs, seemed somewhat appropriate in a place called Slayerville. Ehem. Okay, I'm done. Back to being she of the level head. (Yup, those are the ones to watch out for.) Thanks a bunch, you guys, for the extensive replies!


Thanks for your kind words, knowing I can actually make someone's day gives me a happy ;]
Actually, that explains a lot. Once More With Feeling having been broadcasted as a Buffy-special completely out of context before, that is. See, I knew there was a reason I preferred watching it late night on the BBC. Well, apart from the absence of commercial breaks. Oh, and the pretty trustworthy scheduling. Plus the inclusion of the end credits. Hmm. Seems there's only one benefit of commercial TV here: a total lack of sensorship. That steamy ending of smashed actually made a lot more sense now. Man, makes you wonder what happened in those fifteen seconds they were forced to cut by UPN. Did those make it to the DVD, perhaps?
But what's with the abbreviations? Been texting like there's no tomorrow? Careful about using them in the subtitling, please. What do AFAIK and IIRC actually stand for? Artists feed anarchy in kindergarten? Academy for advocating independent kitten-poker? Interested in romantic candles? Intimate instances resisting censorship? (Ssomebody just stop me!)
Of course I plan to see Serenity, as I really enjoyed Firefly. Unfortunately I haven't found the time yet, so I didn't read your review, trying to avoid spoilers.
After posting my entry, it occurred to me the "Stretch"-remark was probably just to tease Jonathan about his size or lack thereof (sorry, but they started it themselves) and therefore a pretty dumb question. But then you brought up the Latin spell. Clever goodness!
Finally, THANKS THANKS THANKS for informing me about the old conversations. As I delved deep into the list on my page, it occurred to me I could only retrieve those in which I had partaken, never being able to find back all the others. But no! The links at the bottom of each thread still work, so you can review all posts from that particular episode. (Which, in my case, means everything, as I posted a review every week) Rejoice!

And you, Mister everything but Cro-mag!
(Sincere apologies, it's just that reading your name used to trigger the Xander-quote "Hi Lar, looking very cro-mag today". But now it's worse, since we just had Smashed over here with Willow's merciless update to the de-ratted Amy: "1) Larry's gay. 2) Larry's dead. 3) Highschool's kind of over". Anyway, did you pick it as a reference?)

"Hope it helped a little bit". A LITTLE bit? Man, you must be somewhat of a living Buffyclopedia! Think I can safely ask a new set of questions brought up by the next episodes (life Serial through Smashed minus Once More With Feeling, as the network skipped that one. But here's hoping they will be broadcasting it later on.)

Life Serial

Spike invites Buffy to what turns out to be a night of kitten poker saying "You're a creature of the darkness, like me. Try on my world. See how good it feels".
Immediately another scene springs to mind,where they are standing upstairs in the Bronze, overlooking the dancefloor where the others are having fun. Spike whispers in her ear: "You belong in the dark, with me". Now, is that from season 5 or still to come? I can't pinpoint the episode.
Oh, and if this is Spike's hangout -as we may assume from him ordering "the usual" and the bartender knowing his name- whatever happened to Willy?
But the kitten poker? I'll be damned! Searching the dictionary for something completely unrelated, I happened to stumble upon the word "kitty", meaning the stakes put into a card game. Never realized the pun before. First the loan-shark, now this! Season six seems to be crammed with literalness.

Xander, the loyal (what episode is that "clocked more field time"-quote from again?) immediately believes Buffy's explanation of the accident at the construction site. But three big *apey* things? Did she skip biology classes hanging out with Faith? The only thing apey here are her co-workers, the demons looked more like rasta reptiles to me.

All the Way

The "Shiver me timbers", though nowhere listed under episode references, is a quote from Treasure Island, as I accidentally found out reading the movie descriptions in last week's TV guide.

What IS burba weed? Or nothing but an invention of the writers?

Upon Justin introducing himself, Dawn mentions she's seen him at a couple of parties. When? With whom? This seems especially odd as her stealing is explained as a cry for attention, and she will later invite only one vaguely familiar girl to her birthday party, as she doesn't have any real friends.

Tabula Rasa

Buffy: 'If I were to stop saving his life, it would simple things up *so* much'
Makes it sound as if it's always him needing her help, or screwing up her missions. In Smashed she says something alike:
Spike: 'As a team we could-
Buffy: 'Yeah,that never really ends well, does it?'
But what is giving her this idea; is it just out of need to feel she still is the one in control, having the upper hand? (Almost wrote 'on top' there. That's what you get from all the Trio's double entendres) When did she last need to rescue him? (The shark wasn't exactly a life threatening big bad, was it?)

How does Tara know Willow used the forget-spell on her?

Did the scoobies change their attitude towards Dawn? Obviously she's now very in on what's happening, calling Willow for their meeting. Earlier on this season she was still considered too young to partake.


Why does Willow use an Italian spell to de-rat Amy? When she turned herself in Gingerbread, Amy did so in plain English ("Before thee let the unclean thing crawl"). And to think poor Aly was apparently very uncomfortable with her pronunciation (and with good reason).

Second anomaly: the museum's security system consists of a guy named Rusty?! This after all the Ampata crazyness? You might think no institution would ever lean anything of its collection to Sunnydale ever again.

Jonathan mentions Andrew is still afraid of hot things. Is this a reference we should know more about?

Warren: "Two guys and a mime took me out with their freeze ray"
In that case, which one of them is the mime?

How come Andrew never saw Spike before? Yet he deduces it must be him. Plus, Spike, standing less than two metres away with the enormous vampire hearing, can't overhear every word the Trio is saying, thereby finding out they have plans with Buffy?

Is KOUS the same network we see on TV-reports in seasons 3 and 4?

Xander: "A little old-fashioned state-of-the-art hacker action."
Buffy: "That's great, Will, I haven't seen you do that in a long time."
Since when, actually?

What's that D&D manual Xander thinks he's found the diamond-eating frost-monster in doing at the magic shop anyway?

Xander: "We need new brains."
I'm absolutely positive someone on talkBuffy once made a case for the scoobies being linked to the characters from The Wizard of Oz. But if it is possible to go back to those old conversations, I should have any clue where to look, and I don't. Any of you remember?

Spike: "That's what I do. I kill. And, yeah, maybe it's been a long time,'s not like you forget."
1) When *was* his last kill?
2) This ain't the first time he insists on being evil etc. After his chipping in season 4 he tends to be used as comic punching ball by the others and repeatedly protests they forget who he really is. Only this time he seems to be talking more to himself than to his victim-to-be.
3) Does anyone remember the episodes/circumstances the situations mentioned under 3) occur in?
Oh,and do you think he would eventually have sucked the girl dry, had his chip really malfunctioned?
By the way, it's not just him: both Buffy and Willow are trying to convince themselves they're doing the right thing. Buffy by the way she talks to and treats Spike, Willow playing down her breakup to the others as well as to herself: "It's better this way. Little things just starting taking over, things that didn't matter, but we saw them differently." "Not like I owe anyone anything. I am totally free."

Funny Anya tells Willow: "You're all "la, la, la!" with the magic, and the not talking, like everything's normal" as Willow was saying the same to Buffy once: "You just wanna slay demons and go "la, la, la"" (or something like that). But, you've guessed it, I don't remember when she did.

Listen to Amy as Willow's evil side: "I just don't wanna deal with him [her father] right now. I think I would be...bored."[now?] Following up with that fantastic Bronze scene, where they go spell-crazy, then Willow returning everything to normal with one languid gesture: "So we've kinda played this scene."

But why is nobody in the Bronze as fascinated as we are, watching the girls play magic pool? Has the youth of Sunnydale become blase about strange phenomeni, or did Willow put a spell on the entire clientele, after all?

Finally, that phone call from Spike! ROTFL, if I may be so bold to use an abbreviation too. With the hoarse voice, then switching to his normal one: "Bloody hell. Yes, it's me." Didn't D'Hoffryn do something like that as he appeared to Anya/Willow once?

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