
2 Conversations

A country. Owes its impressive lead in technology mainly to the fact, that the new day starts at their country and therefore they'll always be at least some hours ahead of the rest of the world.

These are some of the most common myths which many Japanese strongly believe in:

- Other countries don't have four seasons.

- All non Asians have an American-English accent.

- Their language is the most difficult language in the world to learn. This, however, if true would explain the unability of the inhabitants to speak ANY other language, since they'd have to spend so much time to master their own.

- Their water is one of the best quality in the world (probably true, if you happen to like the taste of chlorine)

Great achievements of the Japanese Culture:



Super Mario Brothers

A robot that can walk stairs

Akira Kurosawa


Anime (Cartoons in which all characters look like "Heidi")

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