The laura-bot, helpful as ever rushes out of the bar, grabs the nearest completely random and unimportant passer-by from the street, rushes back in and rushes over to Tally, with the fresh blood (well, it is inside the body, obviously).Tally: *sucksanecksmiley* Thanks....I needed that. This is getting too much. I'd given up blood for soo long and all these events have undone the whole cure! Tigger: Hey Tally what can I get U. The phone rings. Tally picks it up. Tally: Hello. No. Ah. Wait. What's he look like? Oops. Tally looks at the corpse of newly drained victim, frowns. Tally: He got here all right, but he's a bit busy at the moment. Bye. Tally turns around to everyone in the barTally: That was the barman agency asking if our barman's arrived. So, lets give a big hand to the new barman.... Tally signals to the corpse in cornerTally: Well? How was I to know? I have a solution to the barman problem.... Tally moves over to corpse of ex-barman no.7 does all sorts of gross stuff that involves a lot of blood exchange. The barman sits up, tells us he's hungry, launches himself at the laura-bot and gets his fangs bent... Tally: Get someone for him to feed on and we now have our very own un-dead barman! Laura: Ok then... Laura rushes outside and again grabs the nearest completely random and unimportant stranger from the street just outside the pub and drags him inside, unable to struggle free from the force hold of a laura-bot she drags him over to the bar. The Barman grabs the victim and quickly satisfies his hungerTally: Right! That should keep him pouring drinks for about a week! Unfortunately, in his excuberance to this, he kind of flung the laura-bot hap-hazardly away from this stranger and the bot crashed up against a wall rather too hard and is now lying inactive in a heap, next to one of the many bodies of the dead barmen. A new laura-bot walks in through the door, wearing the same clothes as the previous one, and takes up her place at the bar. Tally leans over the bar and the latest vampire victim to grab a pen and paperTally: You know what, that guy looks very familiar! Tally goes to a table, sits down, starts doodling on the paper. Tally: Da-daah! Tally holds up the most artistic poster with the inscription of "no steaks allowed in this bar for the safety of the new barman" Tally: I think I spelt something wrong but I cat quite put my finger on it. Tally pins poster to the outside of the door. Tally: He definately looks familiar.... Tally: He is very familiar! The last victim that is! Tally walks out to go to the bathroom, or lack of... walks back in. Tally: Who does the Formula 1 Ferrari parked outside belong to? Ah... Tally gazes at the corpse that is still slumped over the bar.... realises for the first time he's wearing a red driving suit. Tally: I knew he looked familiar.... Well he won't be winning the championship this year.
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