The Alibi (San Diego, California)

1 Conversation

The Alibi is a great place to go if you only have a few dollars but still want to go drink in a delightful place that only smells a little and sports cheap pool tables. The bar is open from 8 am to 2 am and is never empty of customers. The patrons range from old men, who've been going there every day since the dawn of time, to the young club kids slumming it in the back room until the regular evening clientele scares them off. The nighttime regulars are between 22 and 38, give or take, and come to drink cheap beer, shoot pool, listen to the jukebox, watch each other, talk about each other, fight with each other (actual physical violence is very rare and frowned upon), and sometimes stumble home with each other. It's situated at the East end of Hillcrest (a part of San Diego that is home to a large gay, lesbian, etc. population), but it does not exclude anybody. It's not a straight bar, not a gay bar, just a neighborhood bar. The bartenders are good people, the doormen are courteous, and the customers are friendly. There's just one thing that could be improved upon though. The men's room is not somewhere one should go without good thick shoes and tolerant attitude toward badly aimed urine. The toilet seat, toilet tank, toilet paper dispenser, wood paneled wall, and espescially the floor of that tiny, low- ceilinged one-man box are perpetually coated with a glossy sheen of human male urine. But the pool is cheap and a Big Dipper is only $2, so it's okay.

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