Paradoxes that don't care

1 Conversation

Someone once told me that:

There are some paradoxes which somehow deny the fact that they shouldn't exist and do anyway.
As a paradox you simutaneously create and destroy yourself and are stomped on by other paradoxes, not to metion statments that appear to make sense, or at least are not inside-out.
What the heck are these doing here then?
Why are these not only a reality, but appear to be a "truth"?
I have no idea. Anyway, here they are:

there are no complete absolutes, except that one.

the fact that everything changes doesn't change the fact that everything changes.

the truth is that there is none.

I could go on like this for ages (well actually I couldn't, I just forgot the other ones I thought of) but I have to go hang out in a cave in some remote moutains, eat pizza, and contemplate life's mysterys, which means that:

a)I'll need to start my own pizza chain that delivers to remote mountain caves

b)start my own buddist sect, which involves getting people to hang around outside remote mountain caves until they get so fedup with waiting for "the master" to train them, that they cut their arm off with a sword and go into the cave to show the master how extreamly dedicated they are to becoming enlightened, and "the master" says something like, "would you like some pizza", causing the poor fellow to run out of the cave saying "you have enlightened me master!", presumably delirious from blood loss.
It's true, I read it in a book.

I have to finish now, the men in white tell me I have to go back.
Incidentally did I evever tell you about my great great grandma Harriot, she was a cod fish you see and...

At which point I stopped listening, you see, I had a great great grandma Harriot too, who also happened to bear a large resemblance to an ickyothoid, and had heard this story from her before, when I was a small child, explaining why our family had a reccesive gene causing a small tendency towards webbed feet and gills.

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