The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence

2 Conversations

The grass on the other side of the fence actually really does
look greener, it's a fact. Parallax dictates this.
Look directly down at your own grass and you can also see
down to the soil and the whiter bits of the grass stork --
this spoils the nice over-all lush colour of your grass.
However if you look accross at the grass in the next field, each
blade of grass hides the not-so-green bit of the grass
behind it: so it all looks nice and green and lush.

Just imagine if parallax worked in the opposite way... then the grass
nearest to you would look the best, then there would be less insentive
for animals to explore further a-field ...this would have profoundly
effected the course of evolution (life would not have spread
so quickly accross the globe): life would not exist as we know it
today......... although Farmer John would have less fences to fix
due to Daisy and chums being more content in their own field. Hmmm.


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