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OK I thought it would a great idea to get a new section of M2M2 up where a quote from a prominent member of the Lesbigay community sums up in few sort words what being gay means to them.

A quote from the top American chat show host Rosie O'Donnell who recently came out on her show as a lesbian. From an interview she gave recently on ABC-TV's 'Primetime' in the US.

I remember driving my car when I got my permit. I was 18 and I was alone and I was like, I totally think I'm gay. Like I said it out loud in the car ... just like that it hit me. ... I first fell in love at 20, with a woman, and then I've had lovers who have been men as well. I mean, you know, it took me a while to understand and to figure out all the things that made me me, where I was most comfortable, who I was, and how I was going to define my life. What coat fit me. And I found the coat that fit me.

And one from Gay US survivor contestant John Carroll who was voted off the island on 18 April.

Try and be openly gay in Nebraska, and island life is a piece of cake.

And a quote from lesbian comedienne Margaret Cho on the prospect of formalising her relationship with her partner.

It's quite shocking, actually, to everyone in my life, because I always assumed that I would never marry. It was something that I had never really considered as part of my milieu, but at the same time I'm very much in love and unbelievably excited about the whole thing. The nuptials ... will be completely perverse and horrifying. We're not actually exchanging rings; we're going to do some weird kind of other type of exchange ... that will upset both of our parents.

If you have a suggestion for a future Quote of the week please post it below.

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