51 Uses for the Common Paperclip

1 Conversation

For a fascinating history and overview of the common paperclip see A137620


b = broken/snapped

c = large number linked to form a chain or chains

e = (fully) extended form

f = folded form (as manufactured)

l = small numbers linked together

p = partialy extended form

r = refolded form

t = twisted form

* = warning: potentially controversial

In no particular order:

  1. A tool for removing stones from horses hooves 1 -p
  2. Repairing ones glasses 2 -brt
  3. Hook for hanging wet clothes in the hotel bathroom/window/balcony when on holiday -r
  4. Stiring liquids such as coffee or paint 3 -pr
  5. Tool for preparing the Banana in the Amazing Unpealed Banana Slicing Trick -ep
  6. Picking a lock -p*
  7. Lowering mechanism for escaping from a fire via a window 4 -c
  8. Implement for bursting a helium balloon when it's tied to your friend's/child's wrist and they're being dragged along by a strong wind -e
  9. Implement for removing shell fish from their shells -p
  10. Newly weds noise-making car adournment -c
  11. Gentleman's watch chain -cl
  12. Musical instrument (percussion) -cl
  13. Makeshift holepunch -p
  14. Splint for injured finger or leg of small animal -er
  15. Spragwort 5 at base of rain water collection device such as plastic sheeting -fprt
  16. Replacement for belt pulled across closed supermarket checkout lane -c
  17. Extracting insects, worms and other foodstuffs from crevices during survival training, real life emergencies or when otherwise hungry -ep
  18. Shoe fastener -r
  19. Material for making collages 6 -fr
  20. Etching tool in art class -p
  21. Removing skin from the surface of milk drinks or paint 7 -p
  22. Creating an air hole for fish in a frozen pond surface -ep
  23. Substitute fish hook -r
  24. Replacement/repair to broken clasp or box closure mechanism -tr
  25. Temporary replacement for lost padlock (note: non-secure solution) -tr
  26. Replacement axle in toy car -b
  27. Replacement lavatory flush chain -c
  28. Pet rodent footbridge -c
  29. Item of equipment in a magnetism experiment -ceflprt
  30. Punk accessory (safetypin substitute) -ceflprt
  31. Pierced nose/ear/body part ornament -ceflprt*
  32. Piercing the straw hole in a drinks carton when the straw is missing or blunt -p
  33. Intruder tripping device -c*
  34. Intruder detection device -efpr
  35. Cleaning conglomerated dirt and fluff from the rollers inside a computer mouse -pr
  36. Removing lids from containers such as tins of paint -fp
  37. DIY tattoo tool (with ink) -p*
  38. DIY body piercing tool -p*
  39. Button substitute/replacement -frt
  40. Removing torn scraps of paper from the inside of printers and photocopiers 8, 9 -pr*
  41. Bird Scarer -c
  42. Emergency surgical impliment -pr*
  43. Removing dirt from underneath finger nails, toe nails and other body crevices -epr
  44. Replacing a lost or broken zip puller -fr
  45. Opening the silver paper seal on a milk carton when the tab has come off -p
  46. Etching your/your partners name to the bark of a tree or other wooden object -p*
  47. Bookmark -ceflpr
  48. Replacing a broken link in a necklace/pendant chain -fr
  49. Lengthening a necklace/pendant chain -cflr
  50. A necklace/pendant chain or bracelet substitute -cr
  51. Retrieving a small, dropped object that has rolled underneath an item of furniture -ep
1mainly for situations when you have lost or broken your pen-knife2not suitable for contact lense wearers3should be washed thoroughly between each stir4long chains required - must be prepared in advance5made up word denoting small weight used to form drainage channel6such as those constructed from macaroni and bits of string at school7should be washed thoroughly between each use8not generally recommended by the manufacturer9should only be attempted when all other efforts have failed

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