Television show produced in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Each show consists of a man (either show creator, Joel Hodgson or, in later episodes, head writer Mike Nelson) trapped aboard a sattelite in space by his evil captors, who force him to watch the worst movies ever made. To keep from losing his mind, the human captive heckles the movie along with his two robot companions Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo. Gypsy, a third "bot," runs the ship, while the ever-elusive Cambot films the show.
First shown on independent UHF channel KTMA in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the show was picked up by the Comedy Channel, which later merged with the HA! Channel to become Comedy Central. The show ran on Comedy Central for seven seasons before being cancelled, at which time it was picked up by the Sci-Fi Channel, where it is currently in it's tenth and final season.
Quite possibly the best television show in the history of the universe.
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