Another snippet from the infamous Hotspot Bar conversation forum!Laura: Its ok... maybe one day they will invent an indestructible barman.Tally: I need another drink!Suddenly the vodka bottle lifts itself off the shelf pours into a glass. The glass then floats to the counter and the bottle goes back to its shelfTally: Ah! Did anyone else just see that?Tally downs the drink quickly before fainting.VIP: Nope. Me thinks too much vodka!A tall, dark and dashingly attractive stranger stands at the door ... the music stops, the wind ceases to blow and everyone looks around ... from behind the tall, dark and dashingly attractive stranger appears Ekki.Ekki: Hey there buddy, you standing there could be conceived as a fire risk - either go in, or go out! Quit your atmospheric loiterings - some of us are thirsty. Hello everyone. *waves*Tally regains consciousnessTally: Feesh I love u and I am really sorry! Honest.A glass suddenly comes flying thro' the air from the bar where there is no-one and hits Tally smack between the eyes!Tally: Ouch! Does someone want to excorcise this place.... I believe the barmen may have a grudge on us! For some unknown reason!Feesh gets out an excercise bike and starts cycling (obvious or what?)Feesh: Is this good enough?Tally: ExcOrcise not ExcErcise!Feesh: Oh rightFeesh fashions a cross out of snooker cue and starts mumbling various religious sounding mumblingsTally: You don't actually have a clue as to what your doing do you?Feesh mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more.The ghost possesses VIP, she then turns and runs out of the building swearingTally: Oh no! I said you didn't no what you were doing, unless you were purposely trying to get rid of VIP!Feesh mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross. Mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more. Mumbles, waves cross, mumbles some more.Feesh: Well that was a bonusTally: You can stop mumbling now the spirit has fled in VIPVIP appears, a strange ethereal light burning in her eyes. She says nothing, but glides over to where Feesh is, and waltzes straight through him, before chuckling manically and pushing him down into the cellar.Primord: Look out peeps! I'm going to hose the whole place down with holy water!Tally: AHHHH! Don't u dare! You'll lose half the customers, well me at least! Vampires and holy water don't mix!Feesh comes back upstairs, stumblingFeesh: Get the holy water quick, I agree with you totally, just make sure you only get VIP, Tally is a nice poltergeist. Well when I say nice!?Tally: I'm not a poltergeist! I'm a vampire, ah whoops you probably shouldn't know that. I gave up on blood and now live on lust! Oops too much info!Feesh: Well thanks for that image, you just keep your hands above the table!Tally: Don't you like me anymore then? Did I say too much? I Lied! I say I LIED! Honest!Feesh: You don't fool anyone, I'm just wondering if I'll be able to keep up!Tally: You no what? I think I've had a bit too much too drink! I wonder what can be demolished now. Have we got a new barman yet? If not, how are we going to get one? It don't look good if you have a job advert with a line of "Must be either suicidal or insane to stay alive". Who's going to write the job advert anyway?Feesh: Barman Wanted. Must Be: 1. Suicidal 2. Mad and 3. Er, thats it. Wages paid on survival terms only.
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