Death of Barman Five

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Yet another cool snippet from the Hotspot Bar conversation forumLaura: Wow! That new barman is really nice... in some ways he looks a lot like Keanu Reeves.With that Laura walks over to the bar, still in her very nice bright red cat-suit, starts trying to chat the barman up...unfortunately he seems far more interested in Tally and not her. So much so, she cant even get a free drink out of him. Although upset by this, Laura consoles herself slightly by nicking some of the free drinks Tally now has.Tally: *Stares lovingly into the barman's blue eyes* I love a bloke that remains conscious for more than ten minutes.*continues to gaze into his eyes*Laura is now getting quite drunk (ok then, really drunk) and jealous of the barman's affections towards Tally she decides that Feesh should be informed of the recent events. She walks over to the unconscious heap in one of the corners and tries kicking it awake. No response. She tries kicking it harder. He groans and rolls over slightly. At a loss at what else to do, She goes back and starts to mix up one of her special drinks, this time triple strength.The barman notices Laura helping herself to a drink. In a flash he's somersaulted towards her and kicked the bottle from Laura's hand and returns in a roll back to Tally who hasn't realised the absence of his eyes in that brief time because she's lost in there blue depths!Laura quite calmly walks back over to the barman and stamps one of her feet (still clad in the nine inch stiletto shoe) onto the barman's right foot with a lot of power. She then walks back over to the Feesh in the corner and returns to her efforts at reviving him whilst the barman crumples to the floor.EasilyPb: No wonder you have so much trouble keeping bar-staff. Any chance of a stiff-drink, when you've finished with him, of course.*wink*Tally dashes around to the other side of the bar and starts to carefully help the barman upTally: Hope your ok. Hi Pb. Want a drink?EasilyPb: Thanks. I wish I had thought of that!Tally: Sit down and enjoy our windowless tidy bar.EasilyPb: A little breezy perhaps, but otherwise very nice. It is always so, erm, exciting in here?A little draft is good for you. Maybe not the sheeting rain that's pouring in, or the puddle that is slowly creeping through the window. EYUCH! I just remembered what the puddle wonder its crawling!Feesh gets up and leaves. He shortly returns with Autoglass repairmen and Easycleene men to help with bar problems. He notices the new barman touching Tally, He takes the mop, shoves it down the barman's throat and proceeds to clean the floor with him. Once the floor is clean Feesh then forces the barman to drink all the cleaning water and the brown horrible stuff from the gutters and then forces him to swallow all the remaining glass that had been swept into a corner, Feesh then skewers him with a pool cue and hangs him up in place of the deer antlers above the bar. The bar is now clean.Feesh: Next!

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