Scrambled Eggs

4 Conversations

Way back in the mists of time man decided to eat anything that was slower than him. Among the diets available to man thing like shrubs, rocks, dead things, roots, and things that were allowed to be slow because they were harder than we were. From this many died, some shrubs tended not to be too vitamin enriched, rocks took a really long time to chew and digest, dead things only tended to be dead if
A) It was nothing you wanted to eat or
B) You had killed it.
If it was easy to kill the chances are it wasn't really big enough to feed a family who hadn't really discussed contraception. And if it wasn't easy to kill then there really should be a better way of feeding the kids. One conscientious objector noticed that small rounded objects kept falling out the back end of the flying things and decided that it was about time that we started eating them.

Several thousand years later we have managed to come up with hundreds of regional variations to avoid facing up to the fact that we enjoy eating the unborn foetus’s of avians, often mixed or topped with coagulated bovine mammary fluids. Whilst this is often the famous last hope of something to eat for the vegetarian after a pub lunch, surely a steak is a lot less disturbing.

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