This is another snippet from our all time favourite conversation forum, the Hotspot Bar.A gorgeous blonde enters the barTally: Where?Feesh: Who is that ugly looking turnip farmer who just walked in, they are very short, and flat.Feesh peers at the odd looking half-human that is a short blondeLaura: Tally, open your eyes, if u can tear them away from feesh! The gorgeous blonde I was referring to was me! duh!Laura walks over to the bar, orders five stiff-drinks and drinks them all herself, deliberately making point of not offering Tally one, after her mean insult.Laura: If your nice to me u might get a drink!Tally: Sorry.Tally looks at LauraTally: Actually I think Feesh's description is more truthful.Feesh: Hahaha, we always knew she was an ugly moose.... 1-0 to Tally and FeeshCybercat: Hi everyone! I’m CybercatFeesh: Well I am Feesh, so don’t try and eat me because I am ethereal and therefore invincible, hahaha, now, Tally where were we on the pool table issue?Tally: Waiting for it to dry! Actually there's a bed in the corner but Sergeant Mushroom’s in it from earlier!Feesh: Oh well ..... I'll just have to have that turnip farmer because there will only be enough room for one and a half people!Tally: Why don’t we just push Sergeant Mushroom out of it?Feesh: Well, I'm not sure, okFeesh pushes Sergeant Mushroom onto the floor, jumps into the bed with bottle of bubbly, looks invitingly around the barTally grabs a glass of bubbly and jumps in after Feesh, misses the bed, and lands on the SergeantTally: Oh, oops, oh wellTally slumps unconscious over the sleeping form of the SergeantFeesh: How Sergeant can still be asleep after that much hit him I will never know, your supposed to be in bed with me fool.Feesh pulls Tally up into bedTally rolls over and falls out of the other side of bed and hits the floorSlam!Tally: Ouch! That hurt! What hit me? Oh hi Feesh you made the world go bang, you must be really good!Feesh: Why thank you, I hope I was good enough, more?Feesh falls out of bed on top of TallyTally realises too late that her knee was raisedTally: Ouch that really must hurt!
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