Tally: "We could go for *HIC* a bounce *HIC*... I meant on the bouncy Castle!!! Whatever were u thinking of?"Laura: "Wow! So that is a bouncy castle indoors! I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me again! Woo-Hoo!"Laura jumps rather eagerly on the bouncy castle with her five-inch stilettos, which end in a rather nasty point.BANG!Laura: "Oh-uh..."The bouncy castle slowly starts to shrink as all the air escapes out of it. A few minutes later all that is left is the completely deflated bouncy castle and one missing drinker.Laura: *From somewhere inside the former shell of the castle in a rather small and muffled voice* "hello?"Tally: "I'm coming!"Heads towards the mess puts a stiff-drink just out of range of castleTally: "There if that does not tempt u out nothing will! That's the most help I can be, I mean me try to pick someone else up in this state? Oh what the heck..."Tally reaches into castle. Now there are two muffled yelps for help coming from the rubber mess on the pub lawn.*muffled voices inside rubber mess*Tally: "Hey I think I've found the way out...No sorry.....wrong hole! Yuk.....did I really just say that!"Laura: "Tally would you please get your elbow out of my eye! Ouch! (Sniff, sniff) hey! Is that a drink just out there!"A small arm manages to protrude itself and the drink disappears back inside the castle a few seconds later the empty glass is thrown back onto the lawn.Laura: "Ahh! I needed that! Oh yeah... still need help though! VIP where are you? Tally, your elbow is now in my ear!"
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