Two drunken people playing darts.

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This isn't exactly a guide entry, this is one of many pages designed to make people laugh. Below is a snippet from a conversation forum, we all thought it was pretty hilarious, but now you can read it and tell us what you think. If you have any snippets of a conversation that you thought funny let us know where, and then we can add them to our collection.Laura: "Anybody up for a game of darts? Loser buys the drinks!"Tally: "drinks on me, not that I'm pessimistic or anything!"Laura goes over to bar and gets the darts from the barkeeperLaura: "You up it then? Maybe it's a good thing it's slightly quieter when we have this game, so less injuries can occur!"Laura knocks back her two drinks, tries to focus on the dart board, wonders why there is now two of them, throws a dart at one of them anyway.Laura: "Ah wait a moment, I'm left handed aren't I? That might help a bit"Laura puts the second dart in her left hand, decides to focus on the right dartboard throws, and at last manages to hit the damn thing.Laura: "Woo-Hoo, 5! Ok dart number, urm, six was it? Whatever..."The final dart flies impressively through the air but unfortunately in completely the wrong direction and lodges itself the wall just above the bar.Laura: "whoops!"Laura goes and pulls it out of the wall.Laura: "Well, it looks ok. Tally your turn..."Laura: *to barkeep* "My eyesight's a little fuzzy, I think I need a couple more stiffdrinks to sort it out please..."Tally: "My go!"Tally downs another . Picks up the darts and....Walks across to the dart board....Falls over once or twice on route....Uses Laura's leg (or one of her 6) to pull myself back up......Sticks all 3 darts into board....Tally: "I win! Oh, sorry wrong board like thing..."Tally runs out of the room.Tally: Yelling, "ok I'll pay for the damage to the pool table's felt!"

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