Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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Into every generation a slayer is born. One girl in all the world, a chosen one. One born with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires, to stop the spread of their evil. Throughout the ages, she has been there. Protecting the innocent. Facing the darkness, wherever she might find it. This is way it has always been, and always will be.

Buffy Summers is an ordinay girl from L.A. living it up with her friends, sunbathing, shopping and generally just having fun until one fateful night when she met her first vampire! As you can guess this was quite a shock. After burning down her school and losing her Watcher, Melik to a vampire, Buffy thinks it's time to move on and make a fresh start in Sunnydale, California but unbeknown to her Sunnydale is not as sunny as it may seem!

Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale is as friendly and normal as could be expected. Cordelia Chase, the most popular -also bitchiest- girl in school has taken an interest in Buffy because it is seen as cool to come from L.A.(all of the wonderful shopping hours you could spend there). But Buffy is just not interested because she knows what it is like to be the most liked and admired girl in school -Buffy was Homecoming Queen at her school- it's not all it's cracked up to be, it can be the most alone place in the world even though you are surrounded by people everyday, they don't listen to you, if you were to say that yellow was the new black, they would just agree and go shopping for yellow clothes and shoes, just because one girl said it was cool! But Buffy soon finds a friend in Willow Rosenberg, a shy and bookish girl who is also a whiz on the computer. Buffy is also being admired by a certain goofy guy and Willow's best friend, namely Xander Harris who has a major crush on Buffy seen when he crashes into into a railing while riding a skateboard and looking at the new girl in Sunnydale! Xander is also the object of Willow's affections but he just doesn't feel the same way, or does he! But while Buffy is adapting to her new lifestyle in Sunnydale, a dark and evil plot is hatching. Deep in the sewers a vampire, Luke -i told you it wasn't as sunny as it might seem- is planning to bring The Master -a very powerful vampire who has walked the earth for many hundreds of years, feeding on the innocent and killing many slayers- back from the undead so he can re-surface from the prison he has been suffering in, a burnt down church which is the last place he would want to be, being a vampire and all. But what he needs to re-surface is the blood of the slayer, Buffy. Maybe this wasn't the best time for Buffy to move to Sunnydale! As well as making two new friends, Willow and Xander and of course Jesse, Xander's also goofy friend who has a major thing for Cordelia, and having vampires in the sewers planning to kill her she is also being followed by a dark and mysterious man who goes by the name of Angel. Angel is a vampire who killed many people in the 240 years that he has lived, but when he killed a gypsy girl he was not able to just stroll off and forget about it, the gypsy tribe cursed Angel, they gave him a soul. So now Angel has to live with the torment he caused so many people and he has to see the faces of all the people he killed everyday!

Everything was going fine for Buffy until one lunch hour when she walked into the school library where she met Rupert Giles, a watcher. Instantly Giles -as he is called- recognises the signs. When Buffy asks for a book he decides that this would be the best time to bring a book out from under his desk and show Buffy, this book read the word "VAMPYRE" on the front. As soon as Buffy sees the book she freaks out and starts to throw sarcastic comments at Giles telling him, "I don't want anything to do with this, i am done with vampires and monsters, find yourself another girl to do it for you, i'm through!" Giles does not take this lightly and decides to pursue Buffy until she sees that it is her duty and she must overcome whatever issues she may have about fighting, the world needs her now, the world needs her to stop the vampires and the evil that will follow them!

Well this was definately not what Buffy was expecting for her first day at Sunnydale High! Making new friends, a watcher trying to get her back into her old heroic ways, having vampires planning her death and a mysterious man following her! You can tell already that Buffy is no ordinary girl. She is the slayer!

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