Top 50 Atheist Texts

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(In no particular order)

  1. The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
  2. God Is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens
  3. Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris
  4. Breaking the Spell - Daniel Dennett
  5. On the Necesity of Atheism - Percy Shelley
  6. Why I Am Not A Christian - Bertrand Russell
  7. Asimov's Guide to the Bible - Isaac Asimov
  8. His Dark Materials trilogy - Philip Pullman
  9. On the Non-Existence of God - Nicholas Everett
  10. The Philosophy Gym - Stephen Law
  11. Atheism in Christianity - Ernst Bloch
  12. The Gospel of Christian Atheism - J. J. Altizer
  13. Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why - Bart Ehrman
  14. God: The Failed Hypothesis - Victor J. Stenger
  15. Geneology of Morals - Friedrich Neitzche
  16. BC: Archaeology of the Bible Lands - Magnus Magnusson
  17. The Bible Unearthed - Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman
  18. The Humanist Manifesto III - American Humanist Association
  19. The Faith Healers - James Randi
  20. Infidel - Aayan Hirsi Ali
  21. Unauthorised Version - Robin Lane Fox
  22. The Battle for God - Karen Armstrong
  23. An Atheist Epic - Madalyn Murray O'Hair
  24. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume
  25. Losing Faith in Faith - Dan Barker
  26. The Demon-Haunted World - Carl Sagan
  27. You Inner Fish - Neil Shubin
  28. The Age of Reason - Thomas Paine
  29. Almost Like A Whale - Steve Jones
  30. The Life Of Brian - Monty Python's Flying Circus
  31. The Grand Design - Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
  32. Storm - Tim Minchin
  33. What Would You Substitute for the Bible as a Moral Guide? - Robert Ingersoll
  34. Why I Am Not A Muslim - Ibn Warraq

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