Scrolls of Theoretical Wisdom

1 Conversation

If you find an actual problem with this theorie please leave a message in the conversation at the bottom of this entry entiteled "Wrongo". So far I havn't been able to find a mistake in it other than the fact that it's completely improbable, but then, I made it.

Imagine that you are standing 4 feet away from a wall and that you throw a rock at the wall and that the rock travels in a straight line. The rock has traveled four feet, right?
As the rock traveled towards the wall the distance between the rock it and the wall got smaller and smaller, right?
4 feet, 3 feet, 2 feet 1 foot, 1/2 a foot, 1/4 a foot, 0.0000000000000000000000000002782934 of a foot, right?
But just as it is impossible to count to infinity* so the distance must never reach zero, in fact, since the rock had to travel through the space directly in front of it, it never even got started, right?
But it did hit the wall.
When we count to 10 we start: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Right, Not 0, 0.(infinite number of zeros)1, 0.(infinite number of zeros)2. First of all that's impossible second we'd never even get started, so what did we do instead?
We jumped.
Yes, we jumped.
We jumped, we reached 10, right?
Therefore, since the rock reached the wall, it jumped as well.
It jumped tiny little sub, sub, sub, sub, sub, atomic spaces so small that we can't see them, but it still jumped.
This is also completely impossible.
Time does not allow this.
Now this is the bit where it gets interesting.
Time does not exist.
Instead what does exist is an infinite number of universes in all the possible combinations they can be in, and possibly some that they can't. Now, if you were to draw a picture of these, in much the same way that you draw a picture of Einstein's space time continuum, it would look like a very odd bush with bits of it branching off and splitting into other branches, some of them rejoining other branches, some of them forming new branches, some of them doing both. In fact it would look more like an immensely complicated fungus.
Time is an illusion created by our consciousness traveling along a path through all these configurations. We (our minds) observe all this as we travel along the set of configurations, from the rock in hand to the rock bouncing off the wall, from the view point of our body when we're alive and whatever view point we want when we're not.
There is a certain speed at which we're traveling along the configurations, and this speed is between below 0 Kelvin(heat is subatomic movement), and beyond the speed of light. If we were to go below 0 Kelvin then we would go back along the configurations until we reach one in which we are not. If we were to hop on the edge of a giant record**, and go beyond the speed of light then we would go forward along the configurations until we reached one in which we were not. Bachwards and forwards being relative.
Which, if you can keep two theories like this in your head at the same time, solves this little problem as well.
Since the chance of a coin landing heads or tails up are about
50%-50% (excepting the chance of it landing on it's side, which it did once when I was demonstrating this theory, or being incinerated by an alien lazer blast, which it didn't) then when I toss it, and it lands on one side, what happens to the other probability? It can't have just disappeared, since probabilities are a type of energy***, and no energy is created or destroyed, so what happened to it? Well, though it couldn't have been created or destroyed, it could, and did, never exist in the first place. And here's how:
The configuration of the heads up universe exists simultaneously**** with the one in which the tails side landed up, so since both probabilities exist at once neither of the probabilitys exist.
Think about this and it will make sense.
An observant person will notice that this calls for a complete overhaul of grammar such as "It be that" and "I be go where Bob be is."
An even more observant person would notice that this calls for no grammar at all.
An even more observant person may notice that, while the truth may be extremely interesting, it's not very practical at the moment.
An even more observant person may notice that the truth is that there is none.

Applications of the Scrolls of Wisdom or How to Fly

The scrolls of wisdom are not just interesting intellectual toys, they have actual uses, although these uses may be difficult.
For starters, flying.
Since an infinite number of universes exist in all possible configurations in the same space, and our minds put themselves in one of them by perceiving that configuration, then all you have to do to be in one is perceive it.
The only thing that stops you from perceiving (and being in) a configuration is the "filters" in your mind.
you must remove these filters.
To do this you must first:

a) understand the scrolls of wisdom
b) believe the scrolls of wisdom(this is the hard bit)
c) manipulate the filters in your mind so that you perceive, and therefore be in, the configurations of your choice.

What this has to do with flying is as follows.
When you leave the ground, and in doing so act against the predominate gravity field, that is flying*****. Now, since all possible configurations exist, then there are universes in which you will have done this a foot, two feet, three ect. farther on than you did in the universe you were in. By manipulating your filters you can travel along this line of "yous" until you reach a universe in which you land, say, in a tree twenty feet away even if there wasn't a tree 20 feet away in your origianal universe.
Not that I've ever done it. Like I said, believing the whole entier theorie is the hard bit.

An interesting typo

Bachwards-being or moving in a direction, feeling, time, or ect. in relation to Bach, his person, music, fan, or ect.

*infinity isn't a number but numbers are infinite.

**if you are familiar with the record phenomena, which is thus, then you will Know that since the farther out you go from the center of the record, which is theoretically standing still, the faster it will be traveling, since a point at the edge has to go a longer distance in the same time as a point nearer the center takes to travel a shorter distance, so that there fore if you get a big enough record then the outer edge will eventually be traveling beyond the speed of light.

***Arguable. Just bear with me.

****when I say the word simultaneously it has no relation to time since time doesn't exist.

*****Actually, flying is using lift, which is having a greater atmospheric pressure under you than you do over you that is strong enough to conteract gravity. If you want to understand this better, you can find another entry in the guide.

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