Team Hunting

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I'm sorry if I came across as whining or complaining at the team hunt Friday evening. It wasn't my intention, but it's sometimes difficult to communicate using only text and also in a foreign language (yes, English is a foreign language to me).

I had an insight in team hunting from an aspect that I had not even considered before - the loot distribution. I hadn't paid any attention to it before now.

Previously, I had only been involved in team hunts where either a) the loot was shared evenly or b) involving just me and one other person. In both cases, I had had what I saw as a rather fair share of the loot.

Friday night was the first time I had been a member of a hunting team that involved several more experienced players with more advanced weapons than I and with the loot shared according to how much damage each member of the team could do to a mob.

I realized, too late, that under these conditions I should never have joined the team in the first place. No matter how furiously I swung my axe, the amount of damage I could do was still rather small compared to the other kinds of weapons.

I noticed that the degrade of my axe cost me more than I was getting in loot, and so I tried to pull out of the team. Instead, someone suggested that everyone else in the team should hold back their fire a bit so that I could get some more damage in.

This was a very kind thing to suggest, but it made me feel like I was hampering the team, making me feel guilty about it. I've learned a lesson and will do some reading about loot distribution, and I'll also think more carefully before I join a team instead of just eagerly shouting 'Me, me, me!' which has been my tactic until now.smiley -


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