Even More Towel Uses

1 Conversation

I was recently on an extended out of town trip. So being a avid hitchhiker I took my towel along. I found out some more uses for it along the way.

1. Rig it up to the side of the car over the window, thus making the sun rays less visible throught said window. (Useful if you can't see the road ahead because of all the light coming in the side window!)

2. A large towel can make what I like to call a "Car Tent". You have to be in the back seat for this one. Place on end of the towel over the headrest of the seat in front of you. Then place other end of towel over your head. Now you have a dark place. Suitable for sleep during the day.

3. Makes wonderfull umbrella when running between your car and another building.

4. Wrapping your towel around your head while leaving room for you to see out of, can lessen your chase for embarrassing car sunburn. (where half of your face is burned and the other isn't.)

5. A towel also helps in the bedroom. When your relatives or anyone else you may be staying with decides it is time for you to wake up, but you aren't ready, simply fold towel a few times and place over eyes.

6. Your towel can be used to wipe off your shoes when getting into the car. Applies when the people who own the car are anal retentive about dirt getting in their car.

7. Towels can also make furniture covers. If you have just happened to come from outside and it has been raining, snow, etc.

8. Towels can be used in roadside motels, when after having a shower you discover, in a rather painful manner, that the motel towels are probably made of steel wool.

9. Your towel can be used to scare other people where you are staying. After your shower place the most gross, unsightly, and large towel you have over the shower bar. Needs to be dripping. Then when an unsuspecting person walks into the bathroom and flips to lights on, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" is what you maybe hear from the bathroom.

10. The final use for towels discovered on my trip is, at the end of the trip anything that is inside the passanger area of the car can be removed with your towel. Simply drape over any seat, place items on towel, and grab ends of towel and haul away all your stuff!!!

Any further uses are welcomed
P.S. if you feel the need and are on AOL im me at [email protected]
P.P.S. I you just want to email me at the above address i won't mind either.

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