A Conversation for Feet


Post 1


What is the criteria for acceptance?...obviously good spelling is not, nor is length.
Hint...at a minimum, spell the first and last word correctly. (PS, I cannot spell worth spit...this will be my own downfall.)


Post 2

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

i cannot spell much either
unless i look after it closely as i am now
i also cannot do grammer, as may be evident
and to make it worse i am an english a-level student


Post 3


Hah! Beat you, I'm an English Major at university! (still can't spell.)


Post 4


I thought the whole idea of editors is that they edit - i.e. read through and correct any spelling mistakes!

maybe they've got a million trained monkeys with big red "Reject" and big green "Accept" buttons.


Post 5


... and they're a little too quick on the green one. They've also got a big blue "ignore for weeks and weeks" button and everyone knows that monkies love blue.


Post 6


I think they probably made the common mistake of putting that near the "peanut-dispenser" button


Post 7


Actually, I think the blue one serves a dual purpose, so whenever the monkeys are hungry, 'pop', another entry is rejected.


Post 8

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

Wasn't that the point he was making?
I thought the peanut button was near the 'return' button, which they must use a lot while typing up their script for Hamlet
Or is the 'return' button blue?


Post 9


Maybe if we sent a peanut wrapped up in green paper with our submissions we'd have more luck ... d'you get a message if they say no 'cos so far all I've had is the silent treatment.


Post 10


I got the following e-mail:

Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 21:42 +0100
From: The h2g2 Editors
To: [email protected]
Subject: As requested, your h2g2 entry has been rejected.

Dear Richard Alan,

As requested, we have surveyed your submission to The Guide entitled
"Recursion" and found it worthy of rejection. Congratulations.


The Editors.

I'm wondering why they only addressed me by my first names smiley - sadface


Post 11


That's a really nasty message - they should have gone for nicer or all-out nasty. Something like:

Dear Misterbealy,
Re your submission: Punting on the Cam.
We hated it. Your days as a researcher are numbered.
The editor.

Or saying no, please try again with something that was obviously a form letter!

The first names thing is wierd. They should ask you on sign-up how you'd like to be addressed. Then it would be Dear Master ... or something like that!

Keep trying - I'm still getting the silent treatment!


Post 12


my two favourite articles haven't been rejected (yet...)


Post 13


I had one of those "Happy to reject you letters" also, they used the name that I put in the nickname section.

I haven't heard anything about the ones I wrote that I like eaither...is that good, or just horribly frustrating to anyone else?

I have decided that my best defense is to submit an article a day until one slips past them, and then send two a day. I think volume may be key (and likely part of their problem).

It would be nice for them to admit that no one is reading these, and just give us a reasonable time frame to expect. (I also suspect that the non-British are behind the wire even more).

We could just read eachothers I suppose. (I will in just a minute).


Post 14


I'm at the moment busy trying to get a campaign going to get a proper official chatroom going - take a look at the journal entry on my home page


Post 15

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

Having just followed instructions and visited your user page I can see why you are so into the 'Feet' article. Do you ever use yours to move away from the computer.
Although a chat room would be quite cool


Post 16

Researcher 43223

I am not a monkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

p.s. How do you stop spelling banananananananananananananananananaanannannananananannanananananananananananannana


Post 17


want a dry-roasted peanut?


Post 18


hmph smiley - sadface

Actually, I've been working on a huge chunk of programming for a software engineering group project - hence being at the computer all hours.



Post 19

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

ok i understand
though i'd hate to see your electric and phone bills


Post 20


What if some of these monkeys are colour-blind? Is that how the original Hamlet got accepted in the first place?

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