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<P><B><I>Remember to log out after using the board, so that others can use it too!</I></B></P>

<P>To use <B>noticeboard</B>, click <A HREF="#INSTRUCTIONS">here</A></P>



<I><FONT COLOR="magenta"><B>We apologize for the inconvenience
See explanation further down</B>

<FONT COLOR="gold" SIZE="+1"><B>Are you a Queen Fan?</B></FONT>
Come and join the Killer Queen in the Bohemian Rhapsody!
You are of course invited to the Ogre Battle, and Dreamer's Ball,
and remember that the Show Must Go on!
Laze on a Sunday Afternoon while you wait for the Hammer to Fall, or watch the Bicycle race!
<FONT COLOR="gold" SIZE="+1"><B><LINK h2g2="A607033">The H2G2 Queen Fan club = We WILL rock you!!</LINK></B></FONT>







<P><B><I><A NAME="INSTRUCTIONS">This was originally an experiment <smiley type="cry"/></A></I></B>

<P>...to see what happens if you would allow access to this page for all the users at h2g2, made by <LINK BIO="U135628"/>

<P>What eventually happened was that <LINK BIO="U192209"/> logged in and deleted all current advertisments, and the instructions as well.</P>

<P>However, this did not happen until April 2002, and the Noticeboard has been up and running since August 2000, so I will not let this dishearten me - I still believe that the majority of the h2g2 researchers are friendly and kind people who would never take any joy in trashing someone else's work! This is the reason why I have chosen to keep the instructions of how to use the Noticeboard.

<P>First of all, check 'Who's Online' - only one user allowed at the time. Log in as <B >Noticeboard</B>, password <B>noticeboard</B>. Remember to logout when you have finished, so that others can gain access to the board

<P>Use Edit page to insert a notice. Please do not change anything, only replace the text EMPTY SPACE to insert your text, unless you're very familiar with the use of tables.
<BR/>Please do <I>not</I> use this page as an identity in forums (conversations). Thank you.

<P><B><I>Important!</I></B> End your notice with a date, stating how long you want to keep it on the board. Notices that have passed their 'expiry' date - and notices without date - will be removed by the end of each month, as well as in the middle of each month if the board becomes too crowded.</P>

<P>Old advertisments that have been removed can be found in Journal Entries.</P>

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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