Ecg Unagi:

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treasure map.

Ecg as an adult

smiley - skull

He was raised a pirate. Also trained as a retainer for a short time, which was disastrous. Now an adult, he wants to try his hand at being a sorceror.

When he isn't being friendly, he's found to be kind of grim. Moody too. It gets on people's nerves sometimes. Manners do not quite come to him naturally, as he is want to spend long periods out in the wilderness by himself, for stretches at a time every now and then.

...To sort things out.

He studies elementalism. Being a half-demon sets him with a strange set of obstacles to overcome. Many people are predisposed to assume that you are evil, without asking or getting to know you first. Full demons will tolerate him, humans put up with him sometimes.

There is a scar on one of his cheeks. It's small and cross shaped.

Maybe he got it from being in a knife-fight.

Perhaps it was from combat against one of his less human... kin.

Or it may have been a difficult itch. When he gets frustrated or too annoyed his eyes glow blue, his teeth become pointy, and his fingers become like claws.

Ecg has a primary water-affinity. His hair is green, brownish and matted, kelplike. His familiar is a monster eel.

He likes using throwing knives, a halberd or pair of shortswords for weapons.1

An aquatic metalsmith, Ecg continuously seeks ways to improve waterproof armor. Sometimes a finned hulking scrap pile can be found left behind when he is done with use of a forge.

In water his quickness improves. He can hold his breath under far longer than could a normal person.

His emotions sometimes get the better of him.

Chopsticks and seaweed
1Occasionally he will make use of a grappling hook with a winch built in that he calls a chain-grappler.

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