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The origin of these small, amiable creatures is unknown. But, it is known that a few years ago they migrated to the Internet, where they exist in symbiosis with other species such as email and chat groups. Here they have multiplied , mutated , and are now to be found throughout the World Wide Web.

Much research has been devoted to understanding the structure of smileys and it was discovered that they are essentially simple lifeforms. For example :

 is made from   : - )
 is   : - (
 is   8 - )
 is   ; - )

and so on....

More complicated smileys have been seen, but they appear to have specialised functions and are relatively rare. A full taxonomy of known smileys can be found in The Unofficial Smiley Dictionary

Smileys, like the Babel Fish , are a great aid to communication across the vast wastes of cyberspace. They allow clearer expression of feelings which cannot otherwise be given through a keyboard. Unlike the Babel Fish however, they have not yet started any interplanetary wars. But, be warned, they must be used with care. Use of where was intended could have serious consequences.

These creatures are by nature shy, so it is only here in the Hitch Hiker's Guide that they feel secure enough to reveal their true appearance . They should be treated kindly and not abused.

Remember - a smiley is not just for Christmas, it is for Life.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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