Love Magik

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Yes, that's right, love magik.
I'm not talking about sex, but about the feeling inside all who heal, do rituals, and the energy that creates all good in the world, and competes with all bad.

In order for magik to work there are a few key needs-

1.A True and Stated Purpose for the Magikal energy to follow.
2.The magik must be in the name of love. i.e. it has to be posative, or else it will rebound back to you threefold, through this life and the next untill the price is paid. Dark Magik is extremely dangerous, foolish, and dumb, and should never be attempted.
3.You must be able to visualise the purpose clearly, and watch in your mind's eye, as the energy grows, travells and does it's work.

I do not take part in any religeon. I work through love alone. I personaly find it difficult to see how the universe(or universes) could be made by one being, and find it easier to aknoledge spirits of nature and the super-natural watching us from our side. So if there is a God/Goddess etc. then I am shure I will not be punished for not recognising them, as I always do the best for my soul, and the souls of others.

Love to you all, and remember-

"All You Need Is Love.....da da da da da.."

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