Chibee: the Other Pig Latin

3 Conversations

Chibee is a relatively new language that was invented by my stepmother's friend whose name escapes me. Like Pig Latin, Chibee is a variation of English. To translate a word into Chibee, simply add the "ib" sound- pronounced with a long "i" sound- before every vowel sound. An example: "Hello," (ghe'-lo) becomes "Hibellibo," (ghai'-be-lai'-bo), whereas "I now can speak Chibee!" (ai' nao' k[nasal a or e]n' spik' [ch]ai'-bi) becomes "IbI nibow ciban spibeak Chibibibee" (ai'-bai nai'-bao kai'-b[nasal a or e]n spai'-bik [ch]ai'-bai-bai'-bi). Chibee is best used for talking about people in front of their faces without them noticing it. If too many people catch on, you can change it to Chudee, or any other variation of "Ch" + any vowel-consonant combination + "ee" and replace the "ib" with that.
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