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Liero is a worms type game with the exception that it is in real time. The latest version on the net is 1.33 which you can download at

The game consists of two worms trying to blow the hell out of each other using 40 various wepons <more are available in mods> each player can customize his/her worm and the terms of the match. besides kill'em'all mode there is Capture the flag, simple C+F, and game'o'tag.
As I update this entry <correction: replace as with if> I will include info on all wepons and editor info.

weapon guide:
Bazooka: This weapon more resembles the mortar weapon in Worms: Armageddon. It shoots out a ball shaped missile, which explodes on impact and leaves a cluster type debris

Big Nuke: This is a grenade type weapon, where when thrown, explodes after approximately 3 seconds and gives off a massive amount of toxic substance that spreads and explodes

Blaster: Fires a rather large bullet which results in an unexpectedly small explosion which gives off shrapnel type particles which explode on impact

Booby Trap: Drops an object resembling a bonus crate but in reality, when touched by a player, it explodes

Bouncy Larpa: When activated, it releases a bomb that leaves a trail of exploding particles as a "tail". The bomb itself will bounce off walls, ceiling, terrain, floor, and everything else until after a short amount of time, it explodes

Bouncy Mine: This is a very dangerous weapon, not only for your opponent but also for yourself. This weapon is a mine that bounces around the entire terrain and extreme speeds. It cannot be stopped unless it blows up after time or blows up on contact to a player. These can be trapped in a space and released when an unsuspecting victim goes exploring

Cannon: Fires a large cannon ball which explodes on contact

Chaingun: Resembles Worms: Armageddon chaingun but fires much more rapidly in a larger stream. It fires a rapid stream of bullets that if aimed correctly, can be a very powerful weapon. Watch out for the force feedback though, it can knock you backwards

Chiquita Bomb: The easiest connection you can make with this is to Worms: Armageddon's Banana Bomb. It is a bomb that you can throw which after a short amount of time, explodes, leaving devastating large clusters

Cluster Bomb: I'm sure you can make the connection. It resembles the Chiquita Bomb but with less clusters and less powerful clusters

Crackler: Somewhat resembling the Bouncy Larpa and somewhat resembling some kind of firework, it sprays randomly exploding particles through the air leaving nearby victims vulnerable to pain

Dart: This weapon has a harmless name and style but when fired, can do quite a bit of damage and knock your opponent back a far way

Dirtball: A small spot of dirt which when making contact with anything, blossoms into patch of dirt

Doomsday: Resembling many other rockets with the same function but this rocket is much more powerful, perhaps the most powerful in its entire family

Explosives: Fires out three large explosives that explode after a short time

Fan: Cannot do any damage within itself but can be very useful. It is used to move you opponents backwards. It can be used in circumstances where you need to keep you enemy away temporarily or to nudge them into a nearby mine

Flamer: A flamethrower weapon that throws deadly flames toward your opponent

Float Mine: When laid, they float in the air and patiently hover in preparation for player contact. When a player touches it in anyway, it explodes

Gauss Gun: Only fires a single shot before needed to be reloaded and the reload takes a very long time but if your aim is right and you make contact with your opponent you will be happy you chose this weapon. It fires a powerful blast, destroying a large portion of your enemy's health and sending them through the air. Also can be used as a quick dig through the dirt

Grasshopper: A little green ball that burrows itself downward exploding on its way down will finally end its journey to the center of the earth and explode in a final bang.

Greenball: Much like its ancestor, the dirtball, it is a small, green ball that opens into a green slime like wall

Grenade: Like the Cluster Bomb, it is a bomb which explodes after a few seconds, thus giving off some debris which explodes on any contact

Handgun: This weapon is equipped with a laser sight allowing you to snipe slow and steady victims from long distances

Hellraider: A sleek weapon that lets out a large fireball. After a small time, the fireball explodes into large, deadly looking clusters that, in reality, don't do as much damage as expected

Larpa: Not as impressive as a Bouncy Larpa because instead of bouncy off any surface, it explodes on impact. It still gives off deadly shrapnel but it explodes on any impact.

Laser: A red laser that slices through your victim. It takes a while to recharge and only gives out a short outburst so you should only keep this weapon charged fully when you are positive that you can get a clean shot at your enemy

Minigun: Resembling the Chaingun in every manner beside the fact that it gives a shorter stream of bullets. Does less mean worse? Absolutely not. If you can get a clean shot on your victim, this powerful outburst will send him looking for health. Watch out yourself because the weapon's force feedback could send you backward and possibly upward

Mini Nuke: Pretty much the exact same weapon as the Big Nuke, only it gives off fewer toxins when initialized

Missile: The very best connection to be made with this weapon is to the Super Sheep. When fired, you no longer control your worm; you control the missile. You control the path that the missile takes and you try to destroy your enemy. The only problem is that your worm is vulnerable to being hit when in control of the rocket

Napalm: Fires out a large, warhead type missile that explodes after a few seconds, dropping a carpet of flames down to the ground. The flames don't stay active very long before they disappear, thus making this weapon pretty much useless in a game like this. If there were more players (which is at the moment, impossible), then the weapon may prove to be a little more useful

RB Rampage: Fires bullet pellets in a rapid-fire fashion. If the bullets do not make contact with an enemy worm, they will bounce around the terrain until they either hit a player or until there time is up and they self-destruct

Rifle: Has a laser sight for improved accuracy. Fires in a single shot fashion where the single bullet is powerful and moves at high speeds, leaving your opponent with a short amount of time to dodge it

Shotgun: Fires slow speed to semi-automatic bullets which once make any contact, spread shrapnel throughout the its immediate area

Spikeballs: Resembling the mine, the spike balls have virtually no camouflage but they deploy approximately 8 at a time. They are more difficult and sometime considered unfair if you sit at the top of the terrain and continuously fire them below. They reload rather quickly and can become very useful when fighting an opponent lacking agility

Super Shotgun: The next evolution of the shotgun. Having the same properties except that this fires a faster bullet which deploys more deadly debris, thus covering a wider area

Uzi: Compared to the rest of the automatic firearm "family", the Uzi is definitely the worst. Fires a large outburst of bullets in a very short amount of time, each doing small damage

Winchester: Acts as a revolver, or old fashion handgun, which gives out a less than realistic "ping" noise. It fires bullets as a semi-automatic

Zimm: Fires a bouncy bullet type object that bounces around the terrain. When it makes contact with a player, it does not explode, nor does it do anything fancy. When it hits a player, it disappears, seeming rather useless, but when in reality it did an extreme amount of silent damage. A very powerful, straight to the point weapon

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