nobody ever likes the crow, so heres a whole page dedicted to it- LONG LIVE CROWS!!!!

1 Conversation

Ok, crows, crows, crows (or as the family is known-the Corvus). I love crows,and shall now attempt to show just how fantastic they really are, and why the human species should appreciate them more.
In fact, the family of crows is the Corvidae, but each bird is a Corvid (other Corvids including ravens and the like). Unfortunatly, crows aren't the most attractive of creature, with grasping claws and beaks. Often they can only catch VERY small prey <tomato> (if that!), and rely on scavenging off other birds and foraging for human titbits <thief> ("where's me DIY tools gone? Oh no, twas the crow"). (and<burger> <donut> )
However, what these birds lack in manners they certainly make up for in longevity, living 20 years or more, far longer than the average songbird (which a crow is not!). In that time they can raise many yearlings, and show just how family-orienated they are. All the birds help out with the young ones, the helpers being only 1 or 2 themselves. <smiley>
Don't get crows and ravens confused though, OH no! Ravens are 21-27 inches beak-tail, while the lil' crows are a mere 17-21 (quite a difference). Ravens are also averse to humans and noise, and prefer to spend their time in forests.
So, having introduced the crow (albeit a brief glance), one must remember some immortal words...
" A crow will never let you down". <angel>

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