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We humans have used the last 10.000 years to reveal the Truth. This search have diverted into endless religious offsprings. The few religions which survived more then a couple of thousand years, never became very popular.

Why is this?

We humans is not only curious by nature, but we also have an urge to dominate others. Why we have this totally destructive urge, is uncertain, but if we could let it go and consentrate on the curiousity, I'm sure everything on this planet would be much closer to the answer.

"Why are we here?" is one of the basic questions on earth. Of course it can be waved off by saying "We don't know!", but that wouldn't be very exciting. Therefore a lot of humans have spent a lot of time trying to figure it out.

They haven't gotten any far though. As far as I know "Cogito ergo sum" is the only truth anyone have come up with. And even that might prove to be wrong.

Trying to find an answer to a question like that, is like sitting inside a sealed box and figure out what color it have on the outside. Is it imposible? Do we have any clues? I mean; The one who contructed the box could have spilled some drops of paint on the inside when he made it. Or maybe he painted a bit over the edge in one of the corners?

Anyway... The Truth is (or at least should be) out there. And we humans might be able to figure it out.

I'll be back with parts of the Truth if I can find any.

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