When it rains the sky is falling down

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When it rains the sky is falling down. This is an obvious fact. Just think about it logically:

1. Rain is water. When water gets hot it becomes a gas. Water is heated by the sun and so becomes a gas. The sky is made of gas. Therefore when it rains, it is the sky which is falling down.

2. Some clever people will attempt to discard the above argument by claiming that evaporated rain forms clouds and it is this which falls when it rains. However anyone can tell you that clouds are part of the sky. Indeed, you need only look at a child's drawing to see this. Therefore, when it rains it is still the sky falling down.

3. Rain is blue. The sky is blue. This is proof in itself. Some people will tell you that rain is colourless. As these are usually the same people who will also tell you that the sky is colourless, however, the arguement still works.

4. The sky can be viewed as an illusion created by the athmosphere. What makes up most of the athmosphere? Water vapour. What is rain made of? Condensed water vapour.

It makes sense, doesn't it. And why else would we use umberellas if not to stop the falling sky hitting our heads?

But don't worry, we're not going to run out of sky. The water cycle means that new sky is made even as the old falls (Although in Britain the amount that falls is significantly greater than the amount produced, however drought zones balance this out).

So next time you go out in the rain, remember that chicken licken was right!

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