The Timelord Quiz - Medals and Flags - The Solution

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Last week TIMELORD brought you a quiz on medals and flags. The winner with 9/10 was Madent. The only other entrant, Spook scored 100% - wrong. Never mind Spook - try again soon please. smiley - smiley

  1. Q: Which medal is inscribed FOR COURAGE?
    A: The DFC - Distinguished Flying

  2. Q: How many times has the Stars and Stripes been changed?
    A: 26. With each new
    state a new star and stripe was added but this soon proved unworkable so
    they returned to 13 stripes but added a new star for each state. Some, of
    course, joined in groups.

  3. Q: In which battle were the most Victoria Crosses won?
    A: Rorke's Drift with 11
    VC's (and a few Oscars!).

  4. Q: Which is the only US state to still have the Union Jack on its own flag?
    A: Hawaii.

  5. Q: What is the name of the oldest National flag in the world?
    A: The
    , the Danish flag.

  6. Q: From what were the Victoria Crosses first made?
    A: The bronze cannons,
    captured at the Siege of Sebastopol.

  7. Q: Who was the first actor to win the Congressional Medal of Honour?
    A: George M Cohan.

  8. Q: Who won the Proficient Service Medallion at Gallitep?
    A: Gul Darhe'el in
    Deep Space Nine.

  9. Q: Arthur Martin-Leake was the first person to win which honour?
    A: The Victoria Cross and Bar.

  10. Q: What do the 5 rings on the Olympic Flag represent?
    A: Africa, Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe.


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