
1 Conversation

The Cock 'n' Bull is a small but likable pub located in montreal. Unlike most montreal pubs the Cock 'n' Bull is a favorite of college and university students. Its rustic atmosphere might not be liked by all but the cozy fealing that you will get if you decide to stay will win most over.

Three glassses of beer

Each weekday has a difrent theme

monday : arts and crafts

Tuesday: open mic
Wensday: Drinking
Thursday: Libral Arts day/Band night
Friday: Band night


A sizzling meal

The Cock 'N' Bull has the best Chinese that you can get in a Montreal Irish pub. Their sweet and sour soup is exelent if you need a nice hot meal that fills you up. If you get a chance to try the food go for it.

Meals will cost you betwean 5 and 10 dollars Canadian

The menu is

  • A Huge bowl of Hot and sour soupe: about 5.00
  • Genral Tows Chicken: I forget
  • Stir Fry and Spring Rol: Can't remember


For people that need more than just booz 'n' friends to have fun the Cock 'N' Bull has one pool table and a number of gambling machines. If you want to play pool there is a signup board located on the wall next to the pool table. Your most likly going to have to push past the people siting on the pews that suround the pool table,

A pint of beer, playing cards and a pair of dice

How to find the Cock 'N' Bull

The esayest way to get to the Cock 'n' Bull is to first get your self to the Guy-Concodia Metro station, after that all you have to do is walk down to Ste-Catherine, and then walk westwardly until you get to 1944 Ste-Catherine O. Montreal. The door to the Cock 'n' Bull should be Bright Red and there should be a sharp roof protecting it.

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