"Family Conflict"

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The mother figure is often the backbone of the family. When the daughter or the son of any family has tied horns with the father the mother figure will often support and protect the child. I myself have suffered through my share of family troubles. When I was younger I used to get into many fights with both sides of my family, but to my acknowledgement I have noticed that if you do what you are told the first time you will not run into conflict. The same goes for students and their teachers. In my school I am probably an underachiever, but in my own eyes I work at my own pace, because if I don't do so, I will never fully understand what I am being told. Lots of students have already been kicked out the school I am presently attending, and I am surprised that I haven't yet. I think that the teachers in my school know that I am working but they do not think that I am working hard and fast enough to get out before the age of 21.

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