"School Life"

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The students in most schools that I have seen are often found arguing with the teachers because the students take what they are being told the wrong way. Student X right now is arguing with Mr.Z because she refuses to except the facts that she is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Mr. X blunlty said to her that she is quite dumb in his perspective. Yes she is a pretty girl and all but she just need s to learn to except things for what they are, and not why they happen. If the tempature were to rise everytime that conflict is brought up the temprature would atleast 100 x's boiling point and most of the students in this school would be nothing but a pile of bubbling goo. The key point to this entry is that people cannot survive with out conflict, and if we don not becareful the game of life will come to an end before we know it.

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