mongolian language

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Basic Mongolian
I love you Bi chamd khairtai...
Useful Mongolian phrases
Hello sain - by - noo
Good bye by - yar - tai
Thank you by - yar - la
I am sorry uch - la - rye
Don't worry zoo - gear
I don't know me - de - qui
How much? Yamar oon - tay way?
I am an American be Amerik hun
Japanese be Yapon hun
German be Gherman hun
Year, months
One year neg zhil
One month neg sar
Months easy to say as only a number is used to indicated the month, like January will be the fist month - NEGdugeer sar
1 negh
2 khoyor
3 ghurav
4 dhuruv
5 t'av
6 z'urgaa
7 doloo
8 nay'm
9 yus
10 arav
25 khorin t'av
50 t'avi
100 dzuu
1,000 myanga
1,000,000 say
White tsagaan
Black khar
Red ulaan
Yellow shar
Green no' ghoon
Grey s'aaral
Blue tsen'kher
Orange yagaan
Monday Davaa
Tuesday Myagmar
Wednesday Lhagva
Thursday Purev
Friday Baasan
Saturday Byamba
Sunday Nyam

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