Empire Of Darkness

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Empire Of Darkness

The Empire Of Darkness is a group of tribes on Londinivm1. They are characterised by expert thievery and strong social interaction.


Thievery involves stealing a portion of an opponent's cash on hand. It requires skill in the forms of stealth and good timing. Whilst much energy is expended by thieves for little gain, they often achieve great successes:
You did it! You thieved 12000000 credits from Rathorius! You also gained 30 thieving experience for your troubles!

As explemplified by Animal (8557)


Where possible, new recruits are given training by the tribe members who have been playing a while. This way they get to know many of the quirks of Londinivm and tips how to make the most of some activities.

Newbies are usually also provided with good armour as produced by the tribes' mining, smelting and forging industries, especially when the member is active. Activity is the most obvious requirement both to get anywhere in the Empire, and to get anything from the Empire. It also helps if you are very keen at donating ore, regularly, to the tribe or smelting bars for the tribe.

Recruits of the Rogue and Bard classes can expect to be schooled in the art of thievery. This is especially the case if you are able to be contacted on Instant Messenger.

Social Interaction

Social interaction plays a subtle yet vital role in the structure of the EoD. There are have been at least three couples within the EoD ranks and many friendships go back to the founding of the Empire. Members make particuar use of MSN Messenger and the IRC channels. It is generally felt that the EoD is at its best when everyone is in on the discussion.

The strength and success of the Empire of Darkness is usually measured by one of the following metrics:

  1. The largest theft record when it is in their possession
  2. The number of credits stolen daily in Londinivm
  3. The number of players recently active
  4. The level of the industrial skills
  5. The wealth of the vaults
  6. The breadth of the alliances
  7. The inclusiveness of its society
  8. The number of attacks perpetrated on its members


The term Empire Of Darkness could have one of three meanings.
  1. The original tribe, Empire Of Darkness
  2. The three tribes, Empire Of Darkness, Empire Of Darkness II and Empire Of Darkness III.
  3. The tribes in conjunction with their allies Ryhope Colliery, Ryhope Colliery II and Chroi nan Alba.

Members of the Empire of Darkness

See: A7122656: Members of the Empire of Darkness

1Londinivm and see also A4394829 for Londinivm Game Help

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