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Something passing through late 20th Century society like a southerly wind passing through the Scottish glenns of my youth. Nostalgia often appears at the end of something such as a millenium, at retirement, after the break up of along term relationship, in your last days at school and at the end of the day. Old people survive on a steady stream of nostalgia (this is why they stop needing to eat as much).

With so many nostalgia "triggers" about at the end of the millenium there is alot of nostalgia about. This leads to scenes of grown men queing for weeks to see a kids movie, films about films about films,etc.

This afternoon I started feeling nostalgic about the golden minutes of this morning. My thoughts went like this: "I remember when it was quarter past seven when the alarm went off but I didn't get up until half past. I was such a little tyke back then. I used to eat cornflakes but now all I have are sandwiches. Those were the hours."
This is very disturbing.

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