dodgy dealings sketch

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1; were you followed?

2; no, I don't think so no, have you got them

1; hey, slow down there friend, I thought we'd have drink first, get to know each other

2; I'd rather not, if it's all the same lets just get this done

1; alright, we'll do it your way, how many do you want?

2; well, er, what have you got?

1; I've got itchymon, he digimorphs to ecsthmamon, and snifflymon, he digimorphs to heyfeverymon, who can disable enemies by rendering them useless with repeated sneezing and makes their eyes go all puffy.

2#blurts eagerly#; I'll take them all

1; oh I don't know if that's such a good idea

2; I can handle it.

1; alright, but if you get caught with these, or anyone asks you where you go them

2; I never met you

1; that's it, you be careful with these, see you around

2;bye #pause# yes I have itchymon, I rule!

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