What exactly IS the Infinte Reason Factor?
Created | Updated Mar 14, 2002
WARNING: I suggest that you be sitting down when you read this.
This is actually a very simple concept. Let's start with a sample before anyone thinks they have any idea what this is supposed to be about. So, suppose that a man named... named... uh, Wowbagger, yes, let's say that ol' Wowbagger is on his way to the supermarket. There are actually two different possible supermarkets that he could go to. There's always Food Lion, of course, but then there's Safeway on the other end of town. Should he go to Safeway? Of course not. You see, little does Wowbagger know (well, actually he does, though I'm sure you don't,) but there are an infinite amount of reasons against his pilgrimage to Safeway. It's almost as if the infinite expanse of the universe is plotting against Safeway and all things relating to Safeway. In fact, at the very moment that Wowbagger is contemplating this, The universe actually IS plotting against it. Wowbagger, having a sense of this, changes his mind and thinks about going to Food Lion to fulfill his grocery needs. Sensing this change in opinion, the universe suddenly surrounds Wowbagger with enough of its infinite evidence to send Food Lion out of business (which, of course, will never happen, despite the outlook of this incident.) Wowbagger, sensing this as well, thinks back to Safeway. This becomes a problem, though, as the universe follows suit. Thus, using his superintelligent brain, Wowbagger drives to Food Lion with the intent of going to Safeway, though he knows how crusty the floors are and how the doors always stick and how, in the opinion of the horsehead nebula, it is the worst possible place in the world to do anything, save stand around and stare with a look of disgust at the atrocious manner in which the rats go about collecting customer service counter clerks. Subconsciously, though, he is applauding himself for being a genius, though he knows that Santragonus Zeta says he's dumb as a doornail.
That is something I call the Infinite Reason Factor.
As with all balances in nature, there are good and bad parts of such an existence.
The Bad part:
It can drive you crazy.
The good part:
It can drive your friends crazy.