Kathy Acker

1 Conversation

When did converstions about the meaning of life grow so passe? Gone are the days of Pink Floyd and mushrooms. Sitting in a running car as your buddy is holding up a liquor store to pay off your crack dealer is not the time to examine abandonment issues with daddy dearest. I am only here to help. That is the purpose of art, right?--To convey and connect something so heartfelt and poignant that another lost drifting soul doesn't have to feel so alone. I am not trying to bring down the party; it's just that the dailly inudation of the chosen few paraded around on MTV and E (with more money than god should ever allow anyopne to ever have) getting shoved down my throat gets increasingly difficult to swallow. Capitalism is to blame, boys--don't let them fool you. Visa has been poisoning the drinking water for a long, long time now. Pier One will not help define you as a person. We don't need another goddamn worthless superhero. We don't need a progress report. If you can't smell the desperation maybe that's because you are already dead. Viva la Revolution!

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