1 Conversation

or - oops! we did it again

This is my own personal term for the devinitive guide to where we are going wrong when assuming that mankind is at the top of the evolutionary tree. I call it revolution for 2 main reasons : 1 - it's simpler to type than re-evolution, and 2 : it is a kind of revolution of accepted beliefs in this subject in that I look at the Single Celled Amoeba as the most efficient life form on the planet - reasons to follow - eventually (because i'm just typing at the moment a sketch of an idea or concept that occured to me in a dream.

The basic argument will run along the lines of 'simplicity is the desired outcome' in that the simpler something is, the more advanced - in evolutionary terms - it has to be. (sort of).

Right - let's take a look at mankind in it's modern role.

1 - Mankind is a creature of war - or at least appears to be if looking at it's recorded history.

2 - Mankind is too stupid to accept that there may be several ways to interpret a concept - think christianity and it's assorted wars.

3 - Man - or woman - is an organism that only works if all it's complicated and numerous other bits are functioning correctly. That is, it depends on a multitude of systems working together in order to simply exist - not what I would call a very efficient state to be in.

4 - Mankind seems unable to function in a purely 'natural' environment in that it has to create boxes to live in, to move from one place to another. It is inherently 'unstable' both physically and mentally and it's own 'natural' environment is increasingly fatal to mankinds existence.

5 - Mankind has to modify virtually everything it comes into contact with in the natural world in order to prevent it from doing mankind extensive damage - e.g injections to prevent infections, to move from on area to another (extended trips abroad), natural food has to be sprayed with chemicals in order to stop it from poisining mankind, etc.

6 - the spinal chord of mankind is subject to injury from something as simply as sitting in the wrong position - and is therefore inherently unfit for man's 'natural' posture of standing upright.

7 - solicitors, psychotherapists, and 'this is how to achieve your goals/live properly/increase your wealth/health/longevity/attractive properties' books.

8 - mankind needs at least one other individual organism in order to reproduce - amoebas don't.

9 - mankind has to paint it's natural appearance in order to attract a mate - when was the last time you saw a single-celled amoeba starting in the mirror for hours on end on a saturday night before having the 'courage' to go to a nightclub?

10 - Amoebas don't seem to have that 'harried' expresion often seen on mankind as it tries to re-assure itself that 'everything is okay'

(to be continued and expanded on).

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