H2G2 Lyrics Quiz No.2

4 Conversations

Lyrics Quiz 2 - 15th March 2002

Here's the second H2G2 Lyrics Quiz, I'm your host the Purple Moose.
You know the rules, now let's play!

1. "Oh this world is a crazy ride, so take your seat and hold on tight..."

2. "So if I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists..."

3. "I was feeling part of the scenery, I walked right out of the machinery..."

4. "Making all that noise, 'cos we've found new toys..."

5. "Mini skirts were in style when she danced down the aisle back in '63..."

6. "Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling..."

7. "Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom..."

8. "Listen and you'll hear the sound, hear the sound of a heart breaking..."

9. "Maybe you ain't ever gonna feel this way, you ain't ever gonna know me..."

10. "You're one in a crowd and you're paranoid of every sound..."

11. "All around me people looking happy, talking on the sidewalks..."

12. "Running through the crowds I'm pushing, chemicals are running in my blood stream..."

The results shall be published on 15th April!

smiley - biggrin

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